Palo Alto Math Tutors Wonder what the Doomsday Rule is

Sep 9, 2019 | Palo Alto-Menlo Park

A doomsday date, September 5, recently passed here at the Palo Alto Math Tutoring Center. You're probably wondering what in the world this "doomsday" is and whether it affects your Palo Alto Math Tutoring Student. Let's back up to the beginning of the story. In 1973, John Conway created the Doomsday Algorithm, a way of easily finding which day of the week a specific date falls on. Once you know the algorithm, all you or your Palo Alto Math Tutoring Student needs to know a is a certain year's doomsday and you to will be able to quickly find the day of the week a day falls on. Here's are the doomsday dates you need to know. Each year, 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, and 12/12 all fall on the same day (that year's doomsday). Furthermore, 7/11, 11/7, 9/5 and 5/9 also fall on the same day (that year's doomsday). Finally, the final day in February (or 3/0 if it makes it easier) and 1/3 (or 1/4 during every 4th year or leap year) also land on a doomsday. This means all you or your Palo Alto Math Tutoring Student needs to do is remember these dates and this year's doomsday, and he'll be able to quickly find any date's day of the week!


Example from the Palo Alto Math Tutors

Here's an example doomsday calculation. Let's suppose you want to know what day Thanksgiving falls on in 2019. Actually, never mind (it's a Thursday, Thanksgiving always falls on a Thursday). Let's suppose you want to know what day of the week Christmas falls on. First, we need to know this year's doomsday. For 2019, the doomsday is Thursday. Next, we need to choose a doomsday that's close to Christmas. We are going to use 12/12 since being in the same month is plenty close enough. Since 12/12 lands on a Thursday, so too does 12/19 and 12/26. That means Christmas (12/25) is one day before a Thursday so Christmas this year lands on a Wednesday! (There's more to the algorithm that we won't explore here. If you or your Palo Alto Math Tutoring Student want to know, check the sources down below!)

For More Math and Math Tutoring

For more math practice and math tutoring, make sure to schedule a visit to our center this school year. And for more fun ways to learn math, visit Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park. If you're in Palo Alto, and looking for math tutoring services, please don't hesitate to contact us!
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