Get Ready for Algebra Aptitude

Feb 25, 2021 | Redmond
It is the time of year when middle schools, parents, and their students begin to think about plans for next year's math. One of the factors used by the schools in determining a student’s math course is the Algebra Aptitude Test. Most 6th and 7th graders will take it. The student is then placed on one of two math pathways, which can determine their math classes in high school.
A student who places into algebra now may have the opportunity to take up to three calculus courses in high school, opening a lot of doors for their future in the process. 
More information on the LWSD math pathways can be found here.
Mathnasium helps prepare our students by assessing their Algebra Readiness and providing practice in the full length and format of the test. Once they get that score, our instructors continue to support their journey, providing homework help and teaching new concepts to help them keep up and stay ahead.
That is why families stay with us through their student's entire high school career. 



Call 425-885-MATH for a FREE Academic Assessment and Consultation!