Problem of the Week

Mar 6, 2022 | Rocklin







Did you figure it out?

Answer:  96 cubic feet

Solution:  We’re missing the height of the tent. To find it, we can take a right triangular half of an isosceles triangular side of the tent. One leg is half of 6 feet, so 3 feet, and the hypotenuse is 5 feet, so the other leg---the height of the tent---is 4 feet. So, the area of that face of the tent is 0.5 × 6 × 4 = 12 square feet. The length of the tent is 8 feet, so its total volume is 12 × 8 = 96 cubic feet.








Did you figure it out?

Answer:  19 pounds and 6 ounces

Solution:  First, let’s add the ounces: 8 + 11 + 3 = 22 ounces. Since there are 16 ounces in a pound, that’s the same as 1 pound and 6 ounces. Now, if we add the pounds, we get 4 + 5 + 9 = 18 pounds, plus 1 pound and 6 ounces makes 19 pounds and 6 ounces.