Teachers Agree: In September, Most Math Students Aren't Ready to Pick Up Where They Left Off in June!

Apr 5, 2019 | Sayville

Unfortunately, many students lose as much as 2 months of math skills during the summer, and struggle to keep up in class, complete homework assignments, and pass the first few quizzes and tests after starting school in September. Often, getting off to a "bad start" sets the tone for the entire school year, and some students continue to struggle and never fully catch up--both parents and students become more and more frustrated and worried as the months roll on.

The good news: kids engaged in summer math programs retain, and even increase, skills in topics that teachers expect them to have mastered from the spring (the topics typically lost due to the "summer brain drain" or from previous years.

Even students who are excelling in math will benefit from summer math programs. Enrichment programs provide instruction, coaching, and practice so even the strongest students will dig deeper into into topics already learned, and tackle challenges with new topics and concepts.

Remember: "Parents who invest in summer learning are not only taking steps to avoid summer learning loss, they’re helping their child to make significant advancements in math skills. Imagine the boost to your child’s confidence when they do well on that first pre-test of the school year. Rather than having to relearn last year’s math, they can start strong and keep improving!"

Click HERE to read more about preventing the "summer slide."