Next on our list of summer activities is Domino Duel! Addition and multiplication are the operations of choice for this math duel! This game requires a set of dominoes and some addition and multiplication knowledge. To play, have 2 players set the dominoes in front of them face down. Have each player simultaneously flip over a domino and add or multiply the two numbers shown on their domino. The player with the highest sum or product wins the round and gets to keep the two dominoes. But be warned: if a player incorrectly adds or multiplies their domino(es), they must give them to the other player! The player with the most dominoes after all the dominoes have been captured wins!
Variations: For more competitive players, or to test speed as well as accuracy, have each player flip over one domino at a time and have the players compete to see who can find the sum or product first. The one who does so keeps the domino. Play progresses as normal until all the dominoes have been captured.
For more advanced players: Have each player flip over two dominoes (or one each if competing), horizontally. Treat each domino as a two-digit number, then find the sum or product. For an even greater challenge, the two-digit number can be changed into a decimal; for example, 32 might become 3.2.