Q: Tell me about a time when having math skills came in handy
A: I love to use math for problem solving. Whenever I am confronted with a difficult situation, I can fall back on the skills I have gained from math to help me strategize and find ways to resolve the problem I am facing. I use these skills every single day. - Sara
Q: Tell me about a memory you have of learning math
A: I remember not understanding certain concepts until I took them in physics, and then they clicked. Seeing an application heavily impacted how I thought about math! - Hannah
Q: What are some of the benefits of the Mathnasium Method?
A: The program is set up in a way where students gradually learn multiple methods and concepts at a time, forming connections between many topics. The worksheets never rely on memorization, but rather on building a deep connection with a concept, and understanding it at a fundamental level. The Mathnasium Method is built for long term learning and to develop skills students can use for their whole lives. - Gus
Q: What could Mathnasium have helped you with when you were a student?
A: I think that Mathnasium could have helped me a lot with visual learning. I am a visual learner, and Mathnasium has so many visual resources that we employ with our students that I could see making a big difference for little me. - Sara