Mathnasium of St. George Grand Opening

Jan 19, 2022 | St. George
We are having the Grand Opening for our St. George Mathnasium Math Learning Center on Thursday, 1/20 from 2 pm to 7 pm. We will be doing a live remote with KONY FM and the St. George Chamber of Commerce will be doing the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 2:30 pm. If you are in St. George on Thursday or have any freinds/family that live there, stop by for a lot of fun and games - Port of Subs will be providing sandwiches and there will be lots of goodies for all. Spin our prize wheel for free stuff and discounts on a Mathnasium Memership. Please share the attached video - THANKS.
"Changing Lives Through Math"
922 E. Brigham Road, Building #3, St. George Utah.