Crunch Time at Mathnasium of Thousand Oaks

Mar 24, 2021 | Thousand Oaks

Okay, let's picture a basketball game. It's the fouth quarter of the game, our team has been struggling to gain the lead, the athletes are tired, but the crowd is hopeful........ ANNNNND THEY PULL AHEAD AND WIN THE GAME! (phew, that was suspenseful!)

The fourth quarter in a basketball game can be similar to the fourth quarter of school. The students have learned a lot of new concepts, they have been training and training to perform well on tests, and suddenly, the end of the year is in sight. Now is the time to put all that training to use and end this year on a high note.

Unfortunately, many teachers notice the exact opposite attitude in their students, and they call it spring-time lethargy.

Sherrie Goodman, a middle school language arts teacher, reports, "Every year, right after spring break, the kids start dragging their feet with school work and it gets harder and harder to keep them on task". Maybe it's the warmer weather beckoning them to come outside; maybe it's because they can see the end of the school year approaching. But whatever it is, it's real. Emme Grafton, writing for the Daily Nebraskan, says, "Two months still remain, that fact alone can make you feel complacent.... At this time of year, it is HARD to find motivation to study".

Enrollment at Mathnasium of Thousand Oaks might just be what the doctor ordered. A fresh approach can re-light the interest and confidence of your student, at just the right time..... end of year exams. According to Teen's Health, the best way to prepare your student is:

1. Ask for Help! Use those pre-test jitters to your advantage and seek out some allies to help you conquer this year's math class. (We recommend a certified Mathnasium Instructor- they're pretty awesome.)

2. Get Prepared! Many students think that simple class attendance is all they'll need to understand and pass math class. Well, it turns out there's much more to learning math than showing up and hoping you absorb all the information your teacher is presenting. This is where good study habits become important- they can pave the way for your child's success. We happen to know a GREAT place where your student can study, and have his/her questions answered. (Hint, it's Mathnasium of Thousand Oaks)

Let's keep our momentum high as we race to the end of this year. Mathnasium of Thousand Oaks is ready to run alongside your child and help them finish at their absolute best.