Q: Why did you choose to own a Mathnasium center? A: Freedom of owning your own business, helping kids & enjoy math
Q: What do you like about the city your Mathnasium center is located in? A: Beautiful, quiet city on the water but not perfect demographics for a math tutoring franchise
Q: Can you think of any way that your center has positively impacted the community that it’s located in? A: This program has definitely helped build the confidence of many young kids which is my primary goal.
Q: Did you like math when you were in grade school? A: Yes (Got a 5 on the AP Calculus Exam)
Q: What do you think you would have liked most about Mathnasium if you had attended when you were in grade school? A: The ability to excel beyond current school level material
Q: One last question, what’s something fun you enjoy doing in Vero Beach? A: Boating, beaches, fishing and the arts"