Many schools in our community will be closed until the end of the school year leaving your child resorting to virtual classrooms and homework packets to do on their own. Parents, who used to just worry about a “summer slide” with their child’s education, now have a larger concern-“The COVID Slide”. Children typically lose between two and three months of academic growth during the summer. This year, with most schools closing mid-March, that academic loss, particularly in math, could be much more dramatic. According to NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) the so-called coronavirus or "COVID slide" will be significantly worse", says a new article published by Education News. "Depending on the grade, students were projected to lose anywhere from half to all of their math academic growth from the last year, compared to normal student growth." The article states that the NWEA study found upper elementary students faced potentially the biggest losses during school closures, in part because 4th and 5th grades are usually a time of rapid academic growth.

What can we do? Educational leaders suggest that supplemental education, especially for math is even more critical now and during the summer. Parents agree that math is usually the hardest subject for them to help their children with-oftentimes leading to frustrations at home.
Finding the right supplemental math tutoring company can be rather challenging. Parents need to evaluate the programs closely. Tutoring should not just be someone helping a child finish a homework assignment or worksheet. Effective tutoring will help the child understand the math concepts and not just memorize something they will later forget. When a child understands a math concept that makes sense to him/her, they gain true mastery-a skill they will keep with them.
Mathnasium of Wolfchase makes Math make sense to children. It all starts with a customized assessment to pinpoint the child’s unique needs, allowing us to meet them where they are and take them where they need to go. We then design a customized learning plan for teaching the concepts the student needs to master. This teaching all happens by our specially trained and caring instructors who help each student individually in a way to help them understand the concept.
In many areas, there is a “Stay-At-Home” request by our government. Soon, we will be re-opening our communities and trying to get back to normal-or the “new normal”. Mathnasium of Wolfchase offers programs both in-center as well as virtually, with live face-to-face instructors from your local Mathnasium center. If you are concerned about your child falling behind in their math learning and not being ready for the new school year in the fall, Mathnasium of Wolfchase is here to help!