Ways to Combat the Back-to-School Scaries
Multi-unit owner Kama Friedman joins WPHL Philadelphia to talk about the summer learning loss and ways for parents to beat the “Back-to-School Scaries.”
As a proud founding sponsor of National PTA’s STEM Plus Families initiative to engage families in and boost students’ access to STEM education and careers, we at Mathnasium are passionate about being the “M” in STEM! This week, we were thrilled when National PTA invited us to sit in on a Twitter #ToolkitTalk Q&A chat about STEM education.
Hosted by NBC’s @educationnation (creators of the Parent Toolkit), National PTA President Laura Bay (@PTALauraBay), and Carol Rinke (@CRinke_STEM), Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Science Education at Marist College, the STEM #ToolkitTalk chat was a true meeting of the minds, with many passionate STEM advocates chiming in on current trends and issues… @Mathnasium included!
Here are some of our favorite questions and highlights!
What does STEM stand for? And why is it important in your kid’s education? #ToolkitTalk
A1 STEM is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics #ToolkitTalk
— C Rinke (@CRinke_STEM) November 16, 2016
A1 Science, Technology, Engineering & Math careers are growing 2x as fast as other fields. We must make sure our kids are ready #ToolkitTalk
— Laura Bay (@PTALauraBay) November 16, 2016
A1 But STEM is really so much more. It’s about integrating these subject areas together in a project-based learning approach #ToolkitTalk
— C Rinke (@CRinke_STEM) November 16, 2016
A1 Some are calling STEM a “new literacy” because it’s going to be as important as reading and writing for our future #ToolkitTalk
— C Rinke (@CRinke_STEM) November 16, 2016
What are some simple ways to foster kids’ curiosity about STEM topics at all ages? #ToolkitTalk
A2- Modeling growth mindset, engaging kids in real world problems, letting them fail with support, & providing opportunities. #ToolkitTalk
— Justin Kiel (@jm_kiel) November 16, 2016
A2 When introducing your kid to adults in STEM fields, ask them to share what they do. Prep your kid w/ a few questions to ask! #ToolkitTalk
— Laura Bay (@PTALauraBay) November 16, 2016
A2 Get them involved in everyday activities that involve #math in some way: cooking, crafting, etc! #MInSTEM #ToolkitTalk https://t.co/j2FiRFllTQ
— Mathnasium (@Mathnasium) November 16, 2016
What are some barriers for families in encouraging and practicing STEM activities at home? What can parents do? #ToolkitTalk
A6 Limited access, awareness, financial resources & a gap in connection to STEM professional role models are barriers. #ToolkitTalk
— Laura Bay (@PTALauraBay) November 16, 2016
A6 The best thing you can do as a parent is to jump right in and start exploring with your child. #ToolkitTalk
— C Rinke (@CRinke_STEM) November 16, 2016
A6 There is no such thing as a “math person” or a “STEM person.” We are all math & STEM people & we want our kids to know that! #ToolkitTalk
— C Rinke (@CRinke_STEM) November 16, 2016
A6 There is no such thing as a “math person” or a “STEM person.” We are all math & STEM people & we want our kids to know that! #ToolkitTalk
— C Rinke (@CRinke_STEM) November 16, 2016
A6 Barriers: lack of time and resources. Work fun #STEM-related activities & games into family time. #ToolkitTalk #MInSTEM https://t.co/KyqttvpdDa
— Mathnasium (@Mathnasium) November 16, 2016
What are STEM-related careers? And how can parents support career development in STEM-related fields? #ToolkitTalk
A8 National Academies of Science reports that 85% of per capita income growth in the US is due to technological change #ToolkitTalk
— C Rinke (@CRinke_STEM) November 16, 2016
Every industry, from finance to retail to art to manufacturing, is interested hiring people with STEM backgrounds. #ToolkitTalk
— Girls Who Code (@GirlsWhoCode) November 16, 2016
A8 Reach out to STEM professionals in your community. See if they could talk to your kid’s school about their work & education. #ToolkitTalk
— Laura Bay (@PTALauraBay) November 16, 2016
A8: 98-Year-Old NASA Mathematician Katherine Johnson: 'If You Like What You're Doing, You Will Do Well' https://t.co/1Gf1fGNRC9 #ToolkitTalk
— White House Af-Am Ed (@AfAmEducation) November 16, 2016
How can we encourage young girls and people of color to get involved in STEM? #ToolkitTalk
A9 Representation matters. Connect with role models in the STEM profession with whom underrepresented students can identify. #ToolkitTalk
— Laura Bay (@PTALauraBay) November 16, 2016
A9 Be intentional about encouraging STEM passion with girls. Encourage girls in math/science as much as you encourage boys. #ToolkitTalk
— Laura Bay (@PTALauraBay) November 16, 2016
A9 Earlier access to the #STEM opportunity pipeline! Exposure and engagement are everything! #ToolkitTalk #STEMPlusFamilies #MInSTEM https://t.co/CozlVlNE5k
— Mathnasium (@Mathnasium) November 16, 2016
What are some additional resources on STEM learning that families can use? #ToolkitTalk
A10 You don’t need to be a STEM expert to encourage your child. Visit https://t.co/KhPu2kIvsm to learn how. #STEMPlusFamilies #ToolkitTalk
— Laura Bay (@PTALauraBay) November 16, 2016
A10 Need ideas? Visit National PTA’s STEM + Families Pinterest board https://t.co/pkuNHpekzN #ToolkitTalk #STEMPlusFamilies
— Laura Bay (@PTALauraBay) November 16, 2016
A10:1 Here are 10 ways families can encourage girls' interest in computing. // https://t.co/cAT4uswCR0 #ToolkitTalk
— NCWIT (@NCWIT) November 16, 2016
We have an incredible collection of free STEM videos that teachers & parents can use: https://t.co/io08mlxRPC #ToolkitTalk https://t.co/MxG14Zf2mL
— NBC Learn (@nbclearn) November 16, 2016
To view the full conversation, search #ToolkitTalk on Twitter. Find us on Twitter: @Mathnasium
Mathnasium meets your child where they are and helps them with a customized program they need, for any level of mathematics.