Papillion Blog

MAP Scores & Mathnasium

Dec 8, 2023 | Papillion Blog

Here's what one teacher told us yesterday: I'm very pleased with the progress she's made with you and [our shared student] has expressed that she feels like it's really helped her in our class.... I will continue to update you on skills she is expected to demonstrate in Geometry class.

How does Mathnasium Complement School?

Nov 12, 2023 | Papillion Blog

Schools and teachers are asked to do so much, and for so many kids, this additional targeted support can make a big difference in helping individual students close specific gaps.

The Importance of Belonging

Dec 26, 2022 | Papillion Blog

We KNOW kids can do math – when they’re ready for it and when it’s taught in a way they understand. They DO belong in the math world and we want to help them feel that way.

Resilience: Transcending Discomfort

Sep 3, 2022 | Papillion Blog

Even with as difficult as it has been, we see so many smiles, laugh a ton and revel in countless a-ha moments in our role. The resilience of all involved has made that happen and it is intriguing. How are we able to bounce back and forge ahead stronger during and after hardship?