Fluid & Crystallized Intelligence (& Math!)

Mar 14, 2023 | Papillion

In January, we posted about Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Gardner asserts there are several different types of intelligence, broadening the concept beyond traditional IQ. This month, we continue to explore intelligence, but from a different angle (mathematical pun intended!).

Another way to view intelligence is through the lens of fluid or crystallized intelligence. This has more to do with age and where we are in our learning journey than it does with specific areas of skill.

"Fluid intelligence is your ability to learn, assess, and navigate new situations. Crystallized intelligence is accumulated knowledge you can recall as needed. Problem-solving uses both intelligences."

Fluid intelligence does not rely on prior knowledge and is related to our ability to reason and adapt. It tends to peak in adolescence and decline thereafter. Crystallized intelligence, on the other hand, relies on the facts and information we have learned along the way. Crystallized intelligence tends to increase throughout life. Both can always be strengthened though and math is a great tool for that!

That’s why our intelligence looks different at different points in life. We use our fluid and crystallized intelligences together and that combination changes over time. For example, we may be quicker to solve puzzles at a young age and more equipped to share wisdom later in life. Doing math uses both in a complementary way and we work to strengthen both at Mathnasium. Fluid intelligence may create the strategy for solving a problem and it tag-teams with crystallized intelligence which provides the formula and process to use.

Aren't brains cool?