Highest Investment in Learning Recovery, Mental Health & Public Education February 17, 2022 Education TORONTO — Following two years of global learning disruption, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic..
To celebrate World Maths Day on March 23, Tashdid, a seventh-grader, signed up for the upcoming Mathematics Olympiad, as per his mother's wish. However, he has no liking for this subject whatsoever. On the other hand, Raisa, Tashdid's classmate..
Western University is trying to get ahead of an expected teacher shortage in Ontario by ensuring students studying math are automatically accepted into the school’s teachers college. With a goal of increasing the number of math teachers..
The make-up test: When Canada’s schools open again, how will they catch students up after a year of lost learning? After multiple waves of COVID-19 outbreaks and school closings, some students are months behind in the curriculum..
Learn Math the Fun Way None of the students ever pass math quizzes in Erin Marsella’s high-school class, and none of them ever fail. They never get their results in the form of a percentage mark at the top of the page, but rather with a series of..
There are many daily ways math can be relevant to children – from using money to matching or counting cards Aug 3, 2019 9:25 AM by: The Conversation This article, written by Kelsey Gould, University of Calgary, or..