Mathnasium offers a “free assessment”. What is that? Are there hidden obligations? What do we get out of it?
Every student knows something about math. We want to find out what things a student does know and what things they don’t. So, we ask several questions, each tied to a specific math skill usually related to math curriculum at a grade level. When collected together, your child’s answers to those questions are used to create a composite of strengths and areas of need with respect to those skills. An assessment report charts the relative strengths as bars, visually displayed against each skill.
If your child answered a question correctly, we consider that skill to be mastered with no further help needed. If they failed to answer correctly (or at all), we identify the gap and conclude help in that skill is needed. All the skill gaps are ordered and sorted, forming a list of topics we call a Learning Plan (LP). If enrolled with us, we would use that customized LP as a guide to take your child from where they are now to the next level.
At the end of an assessment, we discuss the child’s assessment report and learning plan with you, supplying both documents to take home. From a parent’s perspective, the assessment process provides a detailed picture of their child’s math proficiency and a plan for moving ahead. In most cases, the results chart aligns with feedback from school.
There is no fee for an initial assessment. Parents are not obligated to enroll a child but, in most cases, a parent can objectively see their child’s need for support in math (whether to catch up or to move ahead). The decision to proceed is always up to you, based on your family schedules, finances, priorities and preferences.
We are privileged to have parents come to us to support their children in math. Our assessment process identifies what a student needs and charts a course of instruction for them to achieve greater understanding and proficiency in those areas.
Book an assessment for your child by using this link to schedule one yourself. There’s no time like the present to put your child on a path to success in math.