Last update: March 8th 2020
With the recent cases of COVID-19 in Mississauga, there have been concerns raised by parents about their child's safety in the centre. According to Peel Public Health, the current risk to people remains low.
At Mathnasium of Meadowvale, your child's health and safety have always been our priority. We have several hand sanitizers readily reachable to everyone in the centre. Ever since the first case in Toronto, we have required all students to sanitize their hands before signing in on the attendance tablet. Effective March 7th 2020, we will be disinfecting the commonly touched surfaces, such as door handles, washroom, parent waiting area and game table in the centre every 2 hours.
Like SARS and most seasonal flu, the Novel Coronavirus does not infect through the skin. The virus enters our breathing system through our mouth, eyes and nose, often because our hands had touched a contaminated surface and brought that to our mouth, eyes and nose. Therefore, hand hygiene is the number 1 priority we have undertaken to prevent or break the transmission cycle in the centre.
If your child is feeling unwell, coughing or sneezing, we do kindly request that they stay home to recuperate.
Please do not hesitate to talk to us if you have concerns that your child will not be able to complete their sessions before month-end, due to illness.