A couple great quotes!

Jan 30, 2020 | Vaughan

I absolutely love both of these quotes. Both are absolutely true! I was just speaking with a parent the other day and telling them that we truly are like a big family here. We genuinely care about all of the kids (and families) in our centres and we love helping them succeed not only in their math goals but in all things! One of the rewards to working at Mathnasium is really getting to know all of the kids and in many cases their families and creating friendships that last even beyond their enrollments here. The quote from Larry is one I paraphrase all the time as well because it is so true. Our goal is to show kids that math is not this scary and intimidating thing... that with help and proper teaching, it becomes easier.. even enjoyable!! #ChangingLivesThroughMath 🅰️➕❤