This is why we do what we do!!

Feb 5, 2020 | Vaughan

I'm not going to lie, this got me all choked up. I absolutely love it!! Got to work this morning feeling tired and grumpy....opened up the email and this was the first thing I saw.... I mentioned the other day that we are like a big family here, and this is one of the reasons. We genuinely care about each child/student who comes through these doors and are under our care. We get to know them and we strive to help them achieve their math goals no matter their grade, level, confidence or proficiency. It is hard to say goodbye when our students leave....especially the Grade 12's who we know we will not see again. I always ask them to be sure and let us know how they do on their tests and exams. When I get emails like this, it warms my heart. This is why we do what we do. So proud of you kiddo!! 😭❤❤🅰️➕👏🙌