Updates to our COVID Guidelines (part 2)

May 1, 2022 | Damascus
Hello Mathnasium Family!

As many of you know, the CDC recently updated their community-based masking recommendations to reflect the status of community transmission levels. As of this writing, Montgomery county is in the “Low” category, meaning that the CDC recommends that “everyone stay up to date with vaccines, get tested if you have symptoms, and to wear a mask if you have symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19.”

In April, the CDC also updated their guidance for schools to be in line with community-based guidance. Since we reopened our doors in July of 2020, we have followed the CDC’s recommendations for school settings regarding masking and other COVID-19 prevention procedures. We trust the judgment of the experts in this matter, and we believe that it is in the best interest of our students and our staff to amend our masking requirements to be in line with the CDC’s recommendations.

Effective May 1st, 2022, we have shifted to a “masks optional” stance for students and staff in the center. Should the CDC’s recommendations for masking in schools or the transmission statistics change such that masks are recommended again, we will update our guidelines accordingly. If you want your child to continue wearing a mask, you are more than welcome to do so and we will continue to provide masks at the door for students and family members who wish to wear one.
Our cleaning protocols remain robust and we are continuing to maintain social distancing. Please see a full list of our COVID-19 protocols at the bottom of this article.

Again, if your child is ill, please keep them at home (regardless of the illness) and if they were too ill to attend school, they should not attend Mathnasium. If they do present symptoms of illness while they are in the center, they will be required to wear a mask and we may advise that they end their session early.
Thank you for all of your cooperation and understanding as we navigate this pandemic together and thank you for your patience as we make these delicate decisions.
Mathnasium of Mount Airy's Current COVID-19 Protocols:


  1. Masks are optional, but required if individuals display any symptoms of illness or have had exposure.

  2. Students and staff are asked about exposure and illness at the door.

  3. No more than 1 family is allowed in the lobby at a time.

  4. We will be reinstating our waiting area soon, but as of this writing, the lobby remains limited to 1 family at a time.

  5. Capacity is limited to 25 maximum at all times (including staff), with two additional spaces reserved for assessments if necessary. This is below 50% of our maximum operating capacity.

  6. All students and staff must wash their hands for at least 20 seconds (with soap) immediately upon entering the center.

  7. Students are seated a minimum of 3 feet apart.

  8. Instruction is face-to-face between instructor and student.

  9. Chairs and desks are cleaned with a bleach solution or wipes between students.

  10. All utensils, instructional tools, and games are cleaned with bleach wipes between uses.

  11. No porous materials are used except to clean.

  12. Frequently-touched surfaces (such as door handles) are cleaned with a bleach solution daily.

  13. Key areas of bathrooms are cleaned with a bleach solution after each use.

  14. Air Conditioning or heating is left on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  15. The center is ventilated frequently by opening one or more doors to create air flow to disrupt any lingering particles.