Happy Valley Blog

George Dantzig: The Father of Linear Programming

Jun 27, 2023 | Happy Valley Blog

George Dantzig, the Father of Linear Programming, revolutionized the optimization field. His groundbreaking work in the mid-20th century laid the foundation for solving complex problems efficiently. His contributions continue to impact industries worldwide, improving decision-making processes and driving innovation. Let's read more in this blog.

FISH Are Geometry In Motion

Jun 21, 2023 | Happy Valley Blog

Exploring the relationship between math and fish patterns not only unveils the beauty of nature's design but also opens up new doors to understanding the underlying principles that govern our world. So, let's dive together into this mesmerizing realm where numbers and patterns meet the enchanting world of fish!

The Mathematical Marvels of Bird Nest Construction

Jun 14, 2023 | Happy Valley Blog

Did you know that bird nests are not just beautiful creations, but also masterpieces of mathematical precision? These intricate structures showcase the incredible intelligence and skills of our avian friends. Let's dive into the fascinating world of bird's nest construction!

The best ways to improve a child's math skills

Jun 6, 2023 | Happy Valley Blog

Learning maths is similar to building a pyramid: you need a good foundation to build the perfect shape. Math is not just about complicated algorithms and calculations. In fact, many people find math problems difficult because they don't receive proper math education during their childhood, and missed out on the opportunity to build a strong base.

Math Lessons From Ants

May 24, 2023 | Happy Valley Blog

Ants teach us the necessity to plan and look ahead. They store their food during seasons of plenty so that they will have adequate amounts in times of scarcity, all through an intricate system of carefully coordinated calculations to make sure colonies survive. They even plan and calculate time for both work and times for rest to prevent burnout.

The Math Behind Film Making

May 9, 2023 | Happy Valley Blog

Math is essential to every aspect of filmmaking. It's involved in every step of the moviemaking process, from the design of the video equipment filmmakers use to the production of the film itself. Math is also used extensively in the editing process, as well as in many other parts of the post-production phase. Let’s find out more in this blog!

The father of mathematics

Apr 11, 2023 | Happy Valley Blog

Do you know who the finest mathematician in history was? It was Archimedes. Also known as the father of mathematics, he developed some of the mechanical systems we use today. Read this blog to learn all about this brilliant mathematician!

Landscape architecture and mathematics

Apr 2, 2023 | Happy Valley Blog

Geometry is one of the most important math skills used by architects and engineers when designing a new building or landscape. Being able to think critically about shapes and forms plays a role in such tasks as calculating the area and perimeter of a structure or determining how many plants will fit on a green roof. Let’s find out more in this blog