Geometry is Everywhere, Can You Find It?

Dec 15, 2015 | 4S Ranch

Geometry is probably one of the more fun units in math. Unfortunately is doesn't get the time is deserves in the classroom until you are in the actual high school course. By then, there is quite a bit of catching up to do for some. The vocabulary alone in this unit of math is overwhelming. 

Since Mathnasium of 4S Ranch custom designs a curriculum for each student, we have many lessons to enrich our students in geometry. We weave them in as needed to broaden a student's mathematical toolbox.

However, you can take advantage of the geometry in the world, much like this "punny" photo a friend texted me. Work in the vocabulary and what is means specifically.  Sure it's an acute angle, but what does that actually mean? Geomtery follows rules and the sooner a student understands the rules the more successful they will be.

While out and about over your winter break, point out the geometry of life:

  • Look for parellel and perpendicular lines
  • Look for intersecting lines 
  • Symmetry in architecture or landscaping
  • Congruency of objects (same size and the same shape??)
  • Look for different typres of triangles
  • Look for different types of quarilaterals
  • Go on a polygon hunt and search for things that are 3-sided on up

Happy winter break!