Mathnasium of Alamo Ranch Offers Face-to-Face Math Tutoring Using Online Video Conferencing Developed for Student Instruction

Mar 26, 2020 | Alamo Ranch
Mathnasium of Alamo Ranch features multiple math tutoring options. In addition to our in-center instruction, students who may not be able to get to our location consistently due to busy schedules or distance, can receive tutoring and math homework help with Mathnasium of Alamo Ranch @home!

Mathnasium @home gives us the power to provide real-time face-to-face instruction for our students via video conferencing applications online. 

Simply put, the student is at home on their computer, and with their webcam, interacting with the instructor at our center ... online, in real time.  

A student's session with @home is the same as their in-center experience:

  1. Students work on their Mathnasium learning plan.
  2. Homework help is available.
  3. Students interact with our instructors in real-time.
  4. Students earn reward cards and can still earn items in the reward cabinet.
  5. Students work from home .