Q&A collection for parents and guardians that explains details on Mathnasium@Home, the online platform for learning Math in the way that makes sense to students.
What is Mathnasium@Home?
Mathnasium @home is an Online Tutoring tool that gives us the power to provide real-time face-to-face Math instruction with students via an online collaboration platform. The Learning Experience is strikingly similar to how they would study normally, at our Center.
Please visit https://www.mathnasium.com/berkeleylake/news/learn-more-about-mathnasiumhome for previous information.
G E N E R A L S T E P S:
- Fill out interest form for @home if you HAVE NOT already: https://www.mathnasium.com/at-home/berkeleylake
- Set an appointment through SetMore: https://mathnasiumofberkeleylake.setmore.com/bookclass at least 3 HOURS prior your session.
- Send Homework or assignments to our email: [email protected] at least ONE HOUR before your session.
- Login through Google on CarniumCafe: https://mathnasium.craniumcafe.com/berkeleylakemathnasiumcom/classroom.
- You will receive CraniumCafe invite for the breakroom through the email you signed up for when logging in (same link: https://mathnasium.craniumcafe.com/berkeleylakemathnasiumcom/classroom) *you will use this SAME link for every session going forward
- When it is time for your scheduled session click the CraniumCafe invite and begin your 50 minute session in the breakroom!
What is the URL to launch Mathnasium@Home for Berkeley Lake Center?
Please use https://mathnasium.craniumcafe.com/berkeleylakemathnasiumcom/classroom to login to Berkeley Lake Center's Mathnasium@Home Classroom. Please save this URL in your favorites for ALL future sessions.
What systems are supported for Mathnasium@home?
Any Laptop or desktop with Windows operating system or Mac with internet access can be used. Currently the application will not work on iPad, Smart Phones or Android tablets for now. It may also not work on certain Chromebooks for security reasons.
What browsers can be used for Mathnasium@home?
Currently, the application will work only with Google chrome or Firefox browsers. Internet explorer is not supported at the moment.
Do we need any other equipment?
Not at all mandatory, but we may recommend the following for an enhanced online learning experience for your child
- Headphone, Mic and Webcam - In order to reduce distraction, we recommend students using any basic or noise cancelling headphone with mic. Webcam, if not built in, is recommended. These will help them to interact with instructors in a holistic manner while working on math problems
- Digital Draw Board - Only for non touchscreen laptops/ desktops, we recommend using WACOM board (PTH-651, PTH-660) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-ZYte_UOVM) or Optical Pen Mouse (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbXH5FgYD84) for non-touch screen systems. Widely available in many stores like Staples, BestBuy, Amazon, others, these are USB based gadgets, that can help students to write on the screen like with pen on paper.
Do students work same curriculum in Mathnasium@Home as we do at our center?
Yes, students will work on same prescriptive(PKs), Work books and focus-on's from the comfort of home. They will work with instructors in real time in the same way they work at our center.
How will students get help with Homework and Test Preparations?
We will provide a shared folder where parents/ students can upload either scanned copy or picture of their school material and we will get that on the online screen where the student will work with the instructors online, similar to how they would work at our center. Email us through [email protected].
How will student get instructors attention when needed while working online via Mathnasium@Home?
While instructors will constantly be checking each student similar to how they do in center, if students need attention, there are multiple ways to seek that. They can use the wave(hand icon) inside the application(on the top right side). This will alert the instructors. Also, students could chat with instructor when they have questions which instructors can reply. Also, they are connected via head phones to explain things in detail.
Are students expected to complete entire workbook in same session in Mathnasium@Home?
No, similar to how the students work on pages in their own pace, they will continue to work online. They will have the ability to continue in subsequent sessions from exactly where they left off.
Do students need separate email address to access Mathnasium@Home?
No, Parents can use their Gmail account login ID for their child/children to access Mathnasium@home. If they do not have Gmail, parents can create a Mathnasium @Home login ID with their own non Gmail email address.
Can parents use same email address for siblings?
Yes, when siblings are not attending class simultaneously, the login can be the same. Student should exit session and logout using the menu below their Name showing Online Status.
How do we schedule Mathnasium@Home?
We are scheduling @home sessions through SetMore. Click here to schedule a session https://mathnasiumofberkeleylake.setmore.com/
If this is still confusing...
here are some general TIPS & Steps:
Internet Connection
- Ensure your computer has a solid internet connection. If your computer can be plugged directly into your home’s modem, that will provide the fastest experience. However, a room with a solid wi-fi connection generally will be sufficient. Trying to connect from a coffee shop or other public wi-fi will negatively impact the experience.
Your Student’s Set Up
- Student’s should use headphones with a noise canceling microphone as well as a Camera (inbuilt or external). The noise cancellation will limit “echoing” and ensure the instructor can properly hear the student and vice-versa. The student should be in a quiet area free from background distractions and noise.
Homework Help
- If your student needs homework assistance, for now, please ensure they have emailed a picture or PDF copy of it prior to their session so the instructor can have it loaded into the program. The email address is: [email protected].
Session Experience
- @home sessions must be scheduled in advance by making and appointment through Setmore: https://mathnasiumofberkeleylake.setmore.com. Sessions are based on a “first come, first served” availability.
Note: Please use Google Chrome to access the classroom. Safari will NOT work.
1. Follow this link: https://mathnasium.craniumcafe.com/berkeleylakemathnasiumcom/classroom
2. Click on the Google Login indicated below, and enter your Gmail login info:
3. Once you log in, you will be automatically redirected to https://mathnasium.craniumcafe.com/. This is NOT where you need to be. Click again on the first link, or here:
4. Once you have you signed in, you will enter the “lobby.” The instructor will then move the student to their breakout room. Once there, on the upper left side of the screen, the student will see the appropriate buttons to share their camera and microphone. Please click on the picture of the camera to activate the audio and video.
If you are still having problems, click on the “Audio & Webcam Settings” tab at the top of the page, and ensure the settings look accurate. Click OK, and then hit Refresh. We have found that most problems can be solved by hitting refresh on your browser.