Assistant Director
As a father Luis understands the value of investing in child development at an early age. He strongly believes that attention, engagement and education are key to a child's confidence and success. He has worked with kids throughout LA as a volunteer for local schools assisting in academic and athletic development. Luis has spent the last decade working in finance, he pivoted to the solar industry where he now runs his own Solar Company. He dabbles as a freelance photographer who enjoys photographing nature, city life and cars and enjoys creating films and writing. Luis loves reading and continuously learning; he studies philosophy, psychology, world history, astronomy and is fascinated by mathematics and their relation to both physics and metaphysical concepts. He spends his free time with his kids; as nature lovers they enjoy hiking, rock climbing, running, playing sports, traveling and go karting. His passions consist of driving and racing cars throughout California's many circuits, meditating and pursuing a deeper understanding of the mysteries of life and the universe. Luis is passionate about mathematics considering they are a universal language and finds fulfillment in helping children uncover their potential and contributing to their development and understanding of concepts by presenting them in a manner that makes sense and applies to real life situations.