Mathnasium's proven method is designed to teach children math in a way that makes sense to them. When a student truly understands the way the math works without having to memorize or get confused by math 'jargon', it starts to open up doors to mathematical thinking. As the student increases their comprehension and builds math muscles, it starts to increase their confidence and excitement in math.
By building mastery layer by layer, students develop their number sense, mental math ability, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. This way, the students are introduced to more challenging topics in their learning plan, depending on the pace of the student. When the student realizes their own potential, they start to thrive in math. Confidence is contagious and it will start to reflect in the student's abilities beyond their math skills. This is the reason why children keep coming back to Mathnasium with a smile every day!
Renji Kurup, the Owner and Center Director of Mathnasium of Collegeville, explains how the Mathnasium program is focused on changing your children's lives through math. Watch this video to learn how they build confidence in their students!