Mathnasium@Home Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Apr 2, 2020 | Columbus Bradley Park

Mathnasium@Home- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for our LIVE Interactive Instruction (over the Internet)

Q&A for parents and guardians that explains the details for Mathnasium@Home, the two-way live interactive online platform for learning Math: taught in real time by Mathnasium’s experienced Math instructors (that's Mr. Mac above) over the Internet.


What is Mathnasium@Home?
Mathnasium@home is our online learning platform using which our instructors provide face-to-face Math instruction in real-time over the Internet to our students. It is a combination of various tools like digital while boards, video conferencing/chat and real time collaboration over Internet. The Learning Experience is quite similar to how they would study normally, in-person at our Center. These are NOT pre-recorded lessons or videos like Khan Academy. Rather these are our instructors teaching your child during that live session.

Study material is digital pages from each student’s customized learning plan. These give you and your child the convenience and saving of time when they cannot make it to our center due to logistical issues or their busy schedule or an extraordinary situation like the school closures at present. It allows them to keep their Math learning intact and not fall behind.

A side benefit-it gives them much needed personal interaction, accountability and motivation provided by their caring Mathnasium instructors, which no self-study program will provide.


What is the URL to launch Mathnasium@Home?

For first time sign-ups: //

You will have to contact us for detailed instructions for first time sign up. Welcome email provided after sign up contains the instructions.
Once you have signed up, the link to login to our Mathnasium@Home digital Classroom is:

Please bookmark or save this URL in your favorites for ALL future sessions (after you have signed up).


Will I/my child be able to get comfortable with this method even if we are not technology savvy?

Absolutely, YES! Just as children and their schools have adopted remote online learning, they surely can master this. Children are much more tech savvy than adults and in fact enjoy this ‘cool’ digital mode! Some younger children prone to distraction in classroom setting have actually got more focused work done with this one-to-one interaction with their Mathnasium instructors. And our system would provide a much richer learning experience (than remote school work where they have to mostly do self-study) as with our system they get taught by an instructor live and can always ask questions/get help on trouble shooting for any tech issues. Instructors will keep their motivation high and keep them accountable for making progress.


What computers/tablets are supported for Mathnasium@home?

Any Laptop or desktop with Windows operating system or Mac with internet access can be used. Currently the application will not work on iPad, Smart Phones or Android tablets (iPad support is coming soon). It may also not work on certain Chromebooks for security reasons or if Chromebook’s processor is not fast enough.


What browsers can be used for Mathnasium@home?

Currently, the application will work only with Google chrome or Firefox browsers. Internet explorer is NOT supported at the moment.


Do we need any other equipment?

Not at all mandatory, but we may recommend the following for an enhanced online learning experience for your child

  • Headphone, Mic and Webcam - In order to reduce distraction, we highly recommend students using any basic or noise cancelling headphone with mic. Webcam, if not built in, is recommended. These will help them to interact with instructors in a holistic manner while working on math problems

Optical mouse pen - For non-touchscreen laptop, there is an option to use Optical Pen Mouse instead of a regular mouse. This can be used to write their answers/calculations on their digital worksheets. Though your child can use our system without it as well or can type answers. 

  • Recommended Options-Lychee or DohonestBest Wireless Optical Pen. It costs about $13-14 and is available at Amazon (, Staples, BestBuy etc. It functions like a mouse but is shaped like a pen/stylus. If not, they can always use their regular mouse.

Do students work on the same curriculum in Mathnasium@Home as we do at our center?

Yes, students will work on same customized study material that our staff has determined is required for their level and considering their academic goals - i.e. combination of our Prescriptives (PKs), Work books and Focus-Ons- all this from the comfort of their home. They will work with the instructors in real time at defined time slot, in the same way they work at our center.

How will students get help with Homework and Test Preparations?

The simplest way is for you/ your child to scan or take a photo of their homework pages and email it to us in advance of the class. Other options being planned include providing a shared folder where parents/ students can upload either scanned copy or picture of their school material and we will get that on the online screen where the student will work with the instructors, similar to how they would work at our center.


How will my child get instructor’s/tutor’s attention when needed while working online with Mathnasium@Home?

We will maintain the same ratio as in-center i.e. one instructor teaching 3 to 4 students each working on their own digital material in their own breakout room. Your child cannot see other children’s work nor will be able to interact with them, so there will be less distraction. While instructors will constantly be checking on each student similar to how they do in center, if a student has a question/doubt, there are multiple ways to seek that. They can use the wave (hand icon) inside the application (on the top right side). This will alert the instructors. Also, students could chat with instructor when they have questions which instructors can reply. Plus, they are connected through head phones to provide oral instruction  and explain things in detail and can video conference  as required. Other locations that have adopted @Home have reported that for some children, they got more work done than when doing at the center as they had less distractions (from other students) and were engrossed in the digital experience! 

Are students expected to complete the entire workbook in same session in Mathnasium@Home?

No, similar to how the students work on pages in their own pace, they will continue to work online. They will have the ability to continue in subsequent sessions from exactly where they left off.


Can students use Mathnasium@home paired with in-person learning at our center?

We recommend Mathnasium@home for any family where students will be away and not able to come to the center for 3 weeks or more, because of travel or other circumstances (like the school closures or summer vacations). This facility will enable them to continue the learning process and not lose touch. Since we keep their learning plan in one system (either in paper or digital), switching between online and offline mode for shorter duration is not recommended and will be time- consuming to setup. We recommend not more than 2 switches within a school year and not jumping back-and-forth within a short interval of time.


Do students need separate email address to access Mathnasium@Home?

No, Parents can use their Gmail account login ID for their child/children to access Mathnasium@Home. If they do not have Gmail, parents can create a Mathnasium@Home login ID with their own non Gmail email address.

Can parents use same email address for siblings?

Yes, when siblings are not attending class simultaneously, the login can be the same. Student should exit session and logout using the menu below their Name showing Online Status.


How do you schedule Mathnasium@Home sessions?

You can self-schedule using our online class scheduling site as current customers have been doing for their in-center classes. At present, @Home sessions are scheduled between 3pm-7pm (at the top of hour each hour) on weekdays. 

You can schedule 1 hour at a time. Please reach out to us for any additional queries on this.

Also feel free to text/call at 7063224244 for any last minute changes in schedule.


What if I face problems with this new tool and do you have capacity to handle so many students adopting this new method?

Please be aware that this system had had an accelerated roll-out and is relatively new for all of us, and there will be some learning curve for you, your children, our instructors and staff. The accelerated roll-out also means that we MAY have some small bumps along the road! I am very confident, with your active support, we will get this to be a productive tool that will serve to maintain learn and some social interaction for your child when schools are out and beyond. This will serve your child good in future should a need arise e.g. extended vacation or inability to get regularly to the center for in-person classes due to logistical challenges. If your child faces any technical issues, while in session, ask the instructor for help. Or before/after the session, reach out to us via email or text to provide your feedback/concerns.