Make sure to take a second look.
Still not getting it? Play close attention to the details. Particularly the petals on each flower.
Wanna take another try? This problem was originally designed for 5 year olds in China. However, a fierce debate began online when the image was posted. If you're ready for the answer, just scroll down!
So we can assign a value of 1 for the single yellow flower, and 20 for the red flower. BUT what number is to be assigned to the blue flower with only 4 petals?
Most of the debate has been around exactly that matter.
20 for the red fl
From:The Epoch Times
Arguably, the value of the 4-petaled flower remains unknown, without any more information to tell us that, meaning that the solution is unsolvable.
However, the consensus was that while the value of a 5-petaled blue flower is 5, the value of a 4-petaled blue flower is 4, or in other words, the value of each blue flower petal is 1, and thus, the value of the 4-petalled blue flower is 4.
And you can get even more finicky if you want to dig into other pictorial trivia, as some netizens who love nothing more than to argue endlessly surely will.
What answer did you get, and what do you think of the debate surrounding this whole controversy?
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