Formula for Maximum Number in Social Gathering

Feb 2, 2021 | Denville

I imagine many of you, like me, are sick and tired of looking at the numbers concerning the pandemic. But math isn't just used to count a growing number. Another number that was annoying to deal with was the Maximum Number of People in a Social Gathering. We want to be safe and protect those we love, but humans are socialable beings that don't thrive in isolation. I don't know about you, but I imagined when the pandemic started, sociologists, diseases experts, and maybe mathematicians cooperated to formulate this magical number. At first would gather in arenas by the thousands, then we couldn't go to concerts by the hundreds, then we couldn't gather in schools or offices, and now it's like we can't leave our home.

Last year in April, Dana Mackenzie (of ScienceNews) wrote that when these bans/guidelines were released "no scientific rationale has been cited for any particular number". I honestly find it hard to believe that our leading experts and minds just guessed a number for maximum social setting. I have heard a lot of experts saying that the maximum gathering size depends on location. That does make sense comparing populated cities with rural areas, but I don't think it wise to let millions of people guess that number for themselves. It almost sounds like the blind leading the blind. So did anyone try researching about this magic number?

Mackenzie cited a study posted online by on March 12, 2020 with an interesting model. Five epidemic modelers used the concept of the "friendship paradox" and found a hypothetical number that controlled a pandemic, and that number is 23. But, I'm not saying 23 is the magical number since the model was for a hypothetical epidemic (which shouldn't be equated with the real pandemic). But, to any math-lover, numbers can be a great help to our society during a pandemic and they can be found.

Garrett Lew,  Assistant Center Director

How large a gathering is too large during the coronavirus pandemic?

The math of social networks can create a roadmap to a group size that still curbs spread

So far, public officials have been reducing maximum allowed group size without any precise formula. “The declining number of recommended people is a way of signaling that we are getting more and more serious about the need to be socially distanced,” says Marc Lipsitch, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston. “I’m not sure that there is a particular number that is magical.”

In part, the recommendations are based on the idea that the risk of a large gathering increases as the square of the gathering size. That is, a gathering that is 10 times larger will offer 100 times more “transmission opportunities,” says Lipsitch.

But according to Hébert-Dufresne, this rough calculation actually underestimates the danger of large meetings, because of the friendship paradox. It also doesn’t take into account the dynamics of the epidemic, which is precisely what creates the threshold between large and small gatherings.

The model in the new study, which hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed, represents gatherings as highly connected cliques, in which all people present are exposed to all the others. Hébert-Dufresne, who worked with colleagues from Université Laval in Quebec, compares an epidemic in such a network to a bonfire. You need two things to build a fire: kindling, which gets the first flame started, and larger branches, which transmit the fire from place to place. In Hébert-Dufresne’s model, small gatherings form the kindling, and large gatherings are the branches. To keep the fire from spreading, you don’t need to remove the kindling — only the branches.

Telling the difference between kindling and branches is where the mathematical model comes in. The dividing line between small groups and large groups depends on three factors: the disease transmission rate, the distribution of clique sizes, and the distribution of clique membership (how many cliques do highly social people belong to?).

Right now, the last two numbers are completely unknown, Hébert-Dufresne says. But with enough data on social networks, it might be possible to figure them out.

“The people with vast network knowledge are Google, Amazon, Apple, Twitter,” says Simon DeDeo, a professor of decision science at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh. “If I were the government right now, I would fly out to Silicon Valley and get this data.”

Lauren Ancel Meyers, an epidemiologist at the University of Texas at Austin, agrees: “I’ve written a plea for sharing of geolocation and social media data,” she says. “We really need a better understanding of how people move and come into contact with each other in schools, workplaces and their everyday lives.”

Hébert-Dufresne’s network is far from being the last word. It ignores many other kinds of heterogeneity, such as the age structure of the population (which is especially important for COVID-19, as the elderly are the most vulnerable (SN: 3/4/20)) and differences between cliques. “A school is different from a factory,” says Bourouiba.

Many other network models do take into account these variables. Lipsitch, Meyers and others all work with models that include a great deal more detail, going down to the level of contacts between individuals. “You can incorporate an incredible amount of detail,” Meyers says, “but then it takes many simulations to extract general results.” And that can take a lot of time.

The one developed by Hébert-Dufresne and his colleagues is comparatively simple, but unique in treating gathering size itself as a source of diversity. “Some people are doing more complex models, but just in terms of getting at the idea of a cutoff, it’s a powerful idea,” says Hébert-Dufresne.

G. St-Onge et al. School closures, event cancellations, and the mesoscopic localization of epidemics in networks with higher-order structure. arXiv:2003.05924. Posted online March 12, 2020.