Skating on thin ice is nerve-wracking! Wondering if you're about to fall through, fearing that you might go down in a mighty heap… sounds pretty stressful, right?
This is exactly how students, who are clinging on to an incomplete math foundation, feel while their teacher continues to add on more difficult concepts. Understanding multiplication might have been enough to keep you skating through division, but what about when we add on multiplying fractions and calculating percentages & variables too? Is the ice your student is skating on getting too thin?
One concerned parent decided to bring his daughter to Mathnasium to address some of her math issues. After enrolling Sunny, he said:
"The (tutors) explained things step-by-step so Sunny could understand them. It has really helped my daughter." -D.S.
Another satisfied parent noticed:
"Even after just six months of tutoring at Mathnasium, our son has gained over a year's growth on his tests! We are very happy with our son's progress in Mathnasium. His confidence has soared! -J.B.
"Mathnasium has helped my son get caught up. The instructors have done a wonderful job teaching him math. If you have a student who is struggling in math, or just isn't 'clickin' with his teacher, Mathnasium is a great way to keep your child from falling behind." -G. V.
If you feel like your student could use a more solid foundation in math, come and give Mathnasium of Dunwoody a try.... it will look just like this:
1. Our specially-trained Mathnasium Instructors will meet students where they are, and fill in any gaps they may have in their mathematical understanding. We find those gaps by giving a comprehensive math assessment to all new students. This assessment is specifically designed to reveal any holes in your student's math foundation.
2. Then, we address those holes. Our tutors will teach step by step, going over as many examples as needed. Then they'll encourage your student to think things through during independent thinking time.
3. Finally, we will celebrate with them when they conquer a subject matter that stumped them before. The cycle continues with more advanced math, while reinforcing the message to your child that he/she CAN do hard things. (It brings a pretty awesome confidence boost too!)
Let's build up that thin foundation and get your child on a steady path to math success!