May 16, 2022 | Georgetown

When math makes sense, kids leap way ahead – whether they started out far behind or already ahead in math. Our formula for teaching kids math, the Mathnasium Method™, has transformed the way kids learn math for over a decade across 800+ centers in the US and Canada. So, how is Mathnasium different? Specialization and Customization. We customize your child’s learning program to their personality and needs.

SKILLS ASSESSMENT - The very first thing we do is give your child a skills assessment. This assessment is both written and oral so that we can get a deep understanding of what they not only know, but how they think! Most importantly, we find out HOW THEY LEARN!

BUILD TRUST – Next, we build their trust by giving them a few ideas and strategies that they can use immediately.

CUSTOMIZE A PROGRAM - We are then able to customize a learning plan that targets skill gaps and quickly shows your child success. In many cases, "success" in math is something they have been craving!

We love what we do! After working with your child for a short amount of time, you'll love what we do too! Learn more about Mathnasium by visiting our newsletter HERE:

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