Amazing Race Holderness Winner Math Blog
Check out the blog from a local family (Holderness) on their recent win of the Amazing Race where math was a key part of their success!..
Check out the blog from a local family (Holderness) on their recent win of the Amazing Race where math was a key part of their success!..
Teachers in schools across the counrty try to teach to the ramge of abilities of their students but in the end, many students end the school year stuggling and then will just be pushed to the next grade level with the process repeating. Watch this teac..
Many children did not get through the math skills for their grade level due to school closures and ad hoc remote education caused by the current pandemic. Now is the time to prepare for back to school, especially with the impacts due to COVID. Contact u..
Mathnasium Instructor of the Year awarded to Will Delooze! Will Delooze won the 2019 Math Instructor of the year earlier this month at the Mathnasium International Convention. Will has been working at Mathnasium for over 5 years now and was sele..
The 2nd half of the school year is well underway and concerns about readiness for the NC Math Ready, Set, Go end-of -grade (EOG) tests or the NC Math I end-of couse (EOC) exam are starting to rise. Many students along with their parents are looking for w..
STEM + Families National PTA Math Night Grants Announced: National PTA initiative STEM + Families Math Night grants have been awarded to local PTA organizations across the country. Read more on the National PTA site and see grant recipien..
Why do students struggle with Geometry concepts in Math I, Math II, Math III? Geometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with the properties, measurement, and relations of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids. In layman’s terms it is math app..
Why do many kids fear and struggle with fractions? Many kids fear fractions because they don’t understand how they work – they mix up the parts and don’t understand what they mean and what we do to them. Parents typically understand enough ..