Vedic Math Tricks

May 11, 2022 | Leander

Vedic math is a system of mathematics that was designed and published by Indian Hindu monk and mathematician, Jagadguru Shri Bharathi Krishna Tirthaji between A.D. 1911 and 1918. 


Vedic math, more commonly known as mental mathematics, is a collection of Methods, (or Sutras) to solve numerical computations quickly and faster. It consists of 16 Sutras (Formulae) and 13 sub-sutras (Sub Formulae). Sutras are short formulas used to carry out difficult mathematical calculations mentally in an easy and simple manner. You can solve many difficult and time-consuming math quickly, using these Vedic math tricks. 


 Let's learn a few tricks!    


1. Squaring Of A Number Whose Unit Digit Is 5:

You can quickly find the square of a two-digit number ending with 5 using this Vedic Math trick. Take all the numbers but the last one (call that last number N), then multiply N(N+1). Finally, tack 25 onto the end!

For example Find (55) ² =?


Step 1. 55 x 55 = . . 25 (end terms)

Step 2. 5 x (5 + 1) = 30

Step 3. Place 25 on the end of the end of the product.


So our answer will be 3025.

Test it out! Try to find the squares 85 & 95.


2. Multiplying a Large Number By 5:

Memorizing your times tables is a great way to reinforce your mental math skills, but what happens when a number is too big to easily multiply by 5? Take any number, and depending on its even or odd nature, divide the number by 2 (get half of the number), then add a 0 or a 5 (depending on if it is even or odd) to the end of your answer.




Even Number:


2464 x 5 =?

Step 1. 2464 / 2 = 1232

Step 2. Place a 0 onto the end of the quotient


So, 2464 x 5 = 12320


Odd Number:


3775 x 5

Step 1. Subtract one

( 3775 - 1)

Step 2. Divide the difference by 2

3774 / 2 = 1887

Step 2. Place a 5 on the end of the quotient

3775 x 5 = 18875


Now try —- 1234 x 5, 123 x 5


3. Subtraction From 1000, 10000, 100000:

Sometimes, children find it difficult to subtract numbers from 1000, 10000, or 100000, because of extensie borrowing. Here is an easy method using Vedic that streamlines the borrowing process.


For example:

1000 – 573 = ? 


Subtract the first two digits in from 9 and then subtract the last digit from 10.


Step 1. 9 – = 4

Step 2. 9 – = 2

Step 3. 10 – = 7


So, the answer is: (1000 – 573) = 427


The process is the same for 10,000 and 100000 regardless of the amount of zeros. 


Try to solve these sums using the mentioned Vedic math tricks.


1000 – 757, 10,000 – 1029, 10,000 – 1264, 1000 – 337.


4. Dividing A Large Number By 5:

This trick will get you the result quickly by dividing a large digit number by 5. All you need to follow only two steps, in the first step multiply the number by 2 while in the second step move the decimal point.


So let's learn the steps


1st step. Multiply the number by 2

2nd step: Move the decimal point to the left.

3rd step: Left side of the decimal point is your answer.


For example: 245 / 5 = ?

Step 1. 245 * 2 = 490

Step 2. Move the decimal: 49.0 or just 49


Let’s try another: 2129 / 5

Step 1: 2129 * 2 = 4258

Step2: Move the decimal: 425.8 or just 425


Now you try to solve 16951/5, 2112/5, 4731/5


5. Multiply Any Two-digit Number By 11

This Vedic trick can help you tackle tricky numbers like multiples of 11!.


Just add the first and last digits together. Then put the sum in between the first and last digit!


For example:

Solve 32 x 11


32 x 11 = 3 “(3+2)” 2 = 352

So, the answer is: 32 x 11 =352


Another Example:


52 x 11 = 5 “(5+2)” 2 = 572


Now try 35 x 11, 19 x 11, 18 x 11.



Vedic math showcases a different perspective on how to do the math. Tricks like these can do wonders if properly executed. At first, you might find them a bit complex, but if you practice, them, they can be a wonderful help. Leave a comment and let us know how testing these out went!