Our staff is built to teach each student individually, to develop the skills they need to thrive in mathematics, and to foster a love of learning.

Finley J.

Co-owner / Center Director
Finley is one of the Owners and Center Directors at Mathnasium of Lemon Grove. Before opening her own center with her childhood best friend, Finn tutored and taught students of all ages, even at other Mathnasium centers. She has an Associate's degree in Applied Mathematics and over 10 years of tutoring experience. She is enthusiastic about helping every child in the community to truly understand math by teaching it the way that makes sense to them. Finn does all of the events and community outreach, so if you are interested in seeing how Mathnasium of Lemon Grove can be a part of your next event, reach out to her!

Favorite number: 9 because it's the day I was born.

Favorite math joke: What did 0 say to 8? ... Nice belt!

I love Mathnasium because: It helps reach students who would otherwise struggle. Mathnasium is able to rebuild confidence, show students that they are capable, and help students realize their potential.

Timm J.

Lead Instructor
Timm graduated from SDSU with a major in Statistics in 2016, and then earned his Social Science Teaching credential in 2020. His passion for storytelling is what drives him to be a teacher, and he aspires to create learning environments where students learn about themselves, each other, and the world through telling stories. While his current dream is to become a High School History Teacher, he is working towards obtaining a Mathematics Credential so he can also teach High School Math.

His hobbies outside of the classroom include watching baseball, MMA, and anime; reading Historical Stories; running; playing video games; and eating ALL THE THINGS!!!

Favorite number: 3, because third times the charm!!!

Favorite math joke: What did 20 do when it was hungry? 28!

In five years I will be: A High School teacher in either World History, or Statistics

I love Mathnasium because: it opened my eyes to many different methods of how to teach Math, and embraced doing so in a fun and energetic way!

Itza O.

Lead Instructor
I graduated CSU San Marcos studying biology. As much as I love biology, I've always had a soft spot for math and working with children. I was a special education assistant at the San Diego Unified School District for three years and enjoyed every minute of it, especially when we did math activities with the kids. I also have a passion for animals and music. Dogs are my favorite animals and I played percussion for nine years.

Favorite number: 2, because it's my lucky number.

Favorite math joke: Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7, 8, 9.

In five years I will be: Happily working at a research facility and perhaps starting a family.

I love Mathnasium because: I love being able to work with kids and helping them out with one of my favorite subjects, Math!

Nasar I.

Lead Instructor
I first became a math tutor during my senior year of high school helping student grasp Algebra concepts. I have a Bachelor's in Cognitive Science. I had a passion for math ever since I was young. The things I love doing is reading, learning many languages, and sprinting.

Favorite number: 6 because that is how many championships the Chicago Bulls won.

Favorite math joke: Why don't people talk to circles? Because there's no point!

I love Mathnasium because: I get to make an impact and cultivate a love of math in students.

Carlos F.

Carlos was born in Sunny Daygo, raised, and praised. He grew up playing baseball, so the Padres are and will always be his team. As for math, after 3rd grade, it became his favorite subject; he always found it exciting! When he entered SDSU, he found himself helping a lot of older students with their math work. It felt easy and very natural for him to explain math to others, and as he started teaching, crafting the ability to do so with younger students was something he was proud to learn, which has allowed him to assist students in elementary and middle school as well.

At SDSU, Carlos studied Applied Mathematics with an emphasis in Mathematical Finance. He enjoys baseball (playing and watching), family gatherings, video games (he's an XBOXer, go Halo!!!), hiking, DC and Marvel material, and believes Batman rules over all!

Favorite number: 7, it rhymes with 11; they represent 7-11, which offers a slice of heaven!

Favorite math joke: Why do they never serve beer at a math party? Because you can't drink and derive.

In five years, I will be: Celebrating 5 years of winning the lottery! Being a snobby fan for having the Padres win 5 straight world titles.

I love Mathnasium because: It allows us as educators to help students better understand an amazing subject!

Erick F.

Erick was born in Morelia, Mexico, but was raised in San Diego for almost their entire life. They attended UCSD, where they majored in Theatre. When it came to math, Erick has always been good at it; in fact, during high school, they were often the one people came to whenever they needed help with math. Their hobbies include video games, dancing, and acting.

Favorite number: 13, because my family's birthdays all revolve around the 13th.

Favorite math joke: How do you make seven even? Subtract the “S.”

In five years, I will be: acting in a movie or show

I love Mathnasium because: math has always been my favorite subject and I love helping others find a greater appreciation for math.

Richie C.

My name is Richie and I am from San Diego. I graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in Kinesiology: Pre-Physical Therapy. While in college, I discovered my love for helping others by tutoring my friends in math to prepare for their exams. This passion for teaching and helping others has stayed with me ever since. I believe that everyone has it in them to succeed but sometimes guidance and mentorship is all you need to find your direction. I am also a big advocate for health. My daily hobbies include working out and meditation. One of my biggest ambitions in life is to become a full-time daytrader. Everything aligned in my life is intentional towards this one goal. I hope everyone gets to reach their own personal goals in life!

Favorite number: 1.618 because it's the golden ratio and how often it appears in nature!

Favorite math joke: So a Roman walks into a bar, holds up two fingers and says, "I'll like five beers, please."

In five years, I will be: a full-time Trader in stocks and forex.

I love Mathnasium because: some of the concepts that are introduced here, I never learned until college. The methods taught at Mathnasium make math simpler and more understandable.

Our Mathnasium Mission

Teach children math so they understand it, master it, and love it. Math can change their lives, and they can change the world.

What I love about Mathnasium is the ability to teach problem-solving skills and make math make sense, while also making a student smile.
Amber W., Mathnasium Instructor

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