Meet Our Director!

Feb 26, 2022 | Littleton

(Drum roll.....) Mathnasium of Littleton is excited to introduce you to our very own Director, Suzie Shride! Come in and visit our Director at 7735 W Long Dr #2 Littleton, CO 80123. We would love to meet your student and show you what Mathnasium offers. When your student enrolls with us, you can expect these 3 things:

1. Assessment. Each of our students take a comprehensive initial assessment designed to show exactly where your child's math understanding begins and ends. Once they are enrolled, we conduct ongoing assessments approximately every 3 months to gauge progress and retention and to remove any concepts they have learned and mastered at school. This keeps their plan fresh and current.

2. Individual Plan for Learning. The comprehensive assessment will highlight the weak and strong areas of your child's math skills. We use the data collected from this test to create a customized plan specifically for your child - a learning plan designed to strengthen and reinforce math concepts that aren't fully understood. It also ensures that we don't waste any time re-teaching concepts your child has already mastered.

3. Top Notch Tutoring. Along with our director, Mathnasium of Littleton has a great staff of qualified instructors who help make goals with your child, motivate your child, and teach your child at the pace they need. Our staff uses a wide array of teaching styles (think hands-on, visual, verbal, mental and written) and has a great collection of math manipulatives (think abacus, fraction pieces, base ten blocks, etc).

Our Director is ready to help your child thrive in their math education! Call for more information (303_979-9077 or sign up now for a Free Math Assessment.