Parent-Teacher Conference Season

Oct 14, 2020 | Maple Grove

Have you and your child already had a conference with his/her teachers? Do you have one scheduled soon? Mathnasium is here to partner with you, to ensure your child will have the skills s/he needs to catch up, keep up, or get ahead.

This academic year, school attendance choices (distance learning, full-time classroom attendance, or hybrid model) each present unique challenges and opportunities for your student. Mathnasium is here to help your student learn math in a way that makes sense to him/her. We will help make his/her academic year (and yours!) less stressful, and more productive.

We offer two great options for your student:

●Mathnasium@home is real-time, face-to-face, web-based math instruction with qualified instructors. Learning can happen anywhere there’s an internet connection.
●In-center instruction is also available, with health protocols in place. Your student works one-on-one with the same qualified instructors.
Call us at 763-269-6969 to set up your student's free trial today. Financing options are available.