Thank you for joining us at the Pi Day Party 2024! We had a lot of fun and certainly hope those who had joined us were the same!
Highlights of the Pi Day Party:
- A guest student was able to recite 200 digits of Pi :O
- Pi Day Modified Cornhole Contest Co-winners are: Nataliia and Ricky who both made 7 out of 8 cornholes! Each of the co-winner will receive a $10 Target gift card as their prize!
- Children's Raffles: Danya won 5 completed Reward Cards and Analise won Chuck the squishmallow!
- Adult's Raffles: Sanyakt won $10 MOD Pizza and Tran won the grand prize of $25 Baskin Robbins gift card!
In addition, we had up the reward for students who attended the party by giving each of them one complete reward card for their own attendance as well as one complete reward card for each sibling or friend that they brought.
Highlights of our event have been posted on our Instagram and Facebook. Please check it out!
We look forward to seeing you at our next center event!