Naugatuck Valley Blog

Math Game Ideas at Home

Mar 19, 2020 | Naugatuck Valley Blog

The current concerns with the COVID-19 disease have caused many schools throughout the country to move to an online platform, causing much stress for teachers and families alike. With schools cancelled and parents relying on schooling their children at ho..

Number Fluency and Confidence

Sep 23, 2019 | Naugatuck Valley Blog

Many people, including adults, struggle with math. Even when I was a child going through middle school, I experienced difficulty in math class. One thing that helped me was having a strong understanding with my math facts, or as we refer to it here at Mat..

Number Sense: Proportional Thinking

Sep 20, 2018 | Naugatuck Valley Blog

Continuing our discussion on Number Sense, we will be looking at Proportional Thinking. As you recall, Number Sense includes Counting and Wholes and Parts as well. The last segment of building a strong number sense is Proportional Thinking. The definit..

Number Sense: Wholes and Parts

Jul 5, 2018 | Naugatuck Valley Blog

Today we are going to continue our discussion on Number Sense. Number sense is the ability to break down and use numbers in each problem. We talked about Counting principles previously, and now we are going to focus on Wholes and Parts. This is the abilit..

Counting and Number Sense

May 14, 2018 | Naugatuck Valley Blog

Hi, this is Lisa, Lead Instructor at Mathnasium of Naugatuck Valley. The foundation of mathematics is number sense. Mathnasium has developed an integrated approach to helping students develop a strong context in which numbers are used to explain problems...