How to get advanced students excited about math again

Jan 9, 2020 | Northborough

Children who quickly master math concepts need challenges to remain engaged.  With proper encouragement, they may go on to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) topics further, and stay excited about learning.  Helping students investigate math topics in-depth is what we do here every day at Mathnasium of Northborough.  Students apply their skills in a variety of ways.  When they are ready, they progress to the next skill level within a topic.

These are our top ideas for helping advanced students deepen their knowledge, extend their skills, and keep their confidence in math at a high level:


1.  Have Fun with Math Games
Math can actually be fun – especially when you are playing a game!  Games help reinforce numerical fluency.  Numerical fluency means not just memorization of arithmetic facts, but handling new problems quickly and correctly.

Here are some great math games Mathnasium of Northborough uses with our students.

  • 99 or Bust – our instructors’ favorite!  They love to get competitive! 😊
  • 7 ate 9
  • Blink
  • 4Way Countdown
  • Set
  • Math Dice

In addition, we use our special Mathnasium playing cards (numbered 0 -12 with no face cards) to play numerous games to keep numerical fluency fresh.

2. Try Math Puzzles
Math puzzles challenge students to apply their mathematical reasoning skills in new and different ways. Sudoku and Rubik’s Cube are great activities for the mind.  For kids who are used to always getting the right answer quickly, these puzzles teach perseverance. Turning math homework into a fun “puzzle” may also work – we do our best here at Mathnasium!

3.  Compete with Other Math Students
In school, the top 10% of math students are not getting challenged as often as they should. The top 1% rarely get challenged at all. A friendly math competition may be just the ticket to spark interest for a child.  

Mathnasium of Northborough is proud to host the Math Kangaroo Competition in USA for students in grades 1-12.  You can find out more at //

High school students can check out the Worcester County Mathematics League at to learn more about their competitions!

4.  Enter STEM Contests
Contests challenge students to solve problems creatively and apply their mathematical reasoning. Take a look at these for a start!

And don’t forget about Massachusetts STEM Week,

5. Join a Math Club
Many schools offer before-school and after-school math clubs. These clubs are a great way to meet like-minded friends. Math can be a social activity too!

6. Get Instruction Aligned to the Student’s Level
Every student is unique.  The no-risk math skills assessment at Mathnasium of Northborough identifies your child’s strengths, and areas that could use some review and reinforcement. Our instructors use the resulting customized learning plan in each workout session, challenging your students without being frustrating!  Your child learns more in each workout with us, has fun, and gains confidence.

Give Pete Nelson a call today at 508-980-5805, and soon your child will be telling you how excited they are about math!

schedule a free assessment