Our staff is built to teach each student individually, to develop the skills they need to thrive in mathematics, and to foster a love of learning.
Our staff is built to teach each student individually, to develop the skills they need to thrive in mathematics, and to foster a love of learning.
Matt is currently a student at College of the Desert, working towards his physics degree. He grew up in the Coachella Valley, and graduated from La Quinta High School, where he played water polo. As a swim instructor, Matt has learned how to work well with kids, which is a skill he now utilizes at Mathnasium. Matt likes to help kids understand math, especially to find the joy in solving math problems. In his spare time, Matt enjoys reading, hiking, swimming, surfing, and working out at the gym.
Steven has his Associates Degree in Computer Sciences from College of the Desert. He is currently attending California State University, Long Beach working toward his Bachelor's Degree in Computer Sciences. A lifelong resident of La Quinta, Steven excelled at math in school, but it was in college that he gained a true appreciation for the power and utility of math. Steven aspires to help students develop confidence in their math skills, so that they view math as exciting instead of intimidating. In his spare time, Steven enjoys reading, playing video games, and spending time with his cat.
Giselle is currently a student at College of the Desert, working towards her Associates Degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics. Her plans are to transfer to a four year institution once she has completed her time at COD. Giselle adopted a fondness for math when she began her math courses in college. She strives to inspire students and help build their confidence, so they can enjoy math too. In her free time, Giselle enjoys spending time with her loved ones, crocheting, hiking, and playing games.
Michael has an Associate's Degree in Computer Sciences from College of the Desert. He is currently working towards his Bachelor's Degree in Computer Sciences at California State University, San Bernardino. Michael has had a lifelong love for mathematics, often helping others while growing up and in college. Michael's goal is to help students build their confidence with math so that they come to like math even more. In his spare time, Michael enjoys spending time with his friends and family, reading, and playing video games.
Teach children math so they understand it, master it, and love it. Math can change their lives, and they can change the world.
Are you interested in changing lives through math? We're looking for outstanding individuals with a high level of commitment who are passionate about teaching math. Find out if there's a Mathnasium position that's just right for you!
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