Parker Blog

Your Child Is Struggling With Math; Here's What You Can Do About It

Apr 29, 2022 | Parker Blog

Does your child struggle with math?  One father said, "I hated seeing my son's frustration and feelings of inferiority when it comes to math." Lots of parents echo this sentiment. How is your child doing in math? Are there math concepts that see..

The More The Merrier: Siblings In Mathnasium

Apr 26, 2022 | Parker Blog

Calling all busy parents!! We know you are driving kids to practice; attending games, competitions, and performances.? We know you are scheduling after-school activities, play-dates, birthdays and vacations. AND we know how to help you out! Ma..

Why Is Math Easier For Some Kids And Harder For Others?

Apr 26, 2022 | Parker Blog

Have you ever noticed that math comes easy to some students while other students must work much, much harder to understand? Why is that? To find the answer, we must go to the source... the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a complex brain structure embed..

Our Secret To Creating "Aha!" Moments In Math

Apr 22, 2022 | Parker Blog

"Lightbulb!" "Aha!"  "I got it!" "It clicked!" "Eureka!" These are what parents everywhere want to hear their kids say. "Aha!" moments indicate that the student understands a concept, sometimes, after lots of effort.  Your child's fa..

What Do Mathnasium Students Of The Month Have In Common?

Apr 15, 2022 | Parker Blog

What makes a Student of the Month? Do they have superhuman brain power? CEO-level work ethic? Computing skills that could beat a calculator? Ha! Certainly not. Here at Mathnasium of Cherry Creek, our students are just regular kids. With the help of..

Take A Look At What Happens To The Brain While Learning Math

Apr 11, 2022 | Parker Blog

There's a lot going on in your child's brain when they're learning math. The parietal lobe and the frontal lobe are pretty busy firing neurons and recalling information. A recent study from The New York Times explains that our brains go through stages..

Does Your Advanced Math Student Need A Challenge?

Apr 8, 2022 | Parker Blog

How many students are in your child's math class? According to current research, the average class size in North America is over 20 students per teacher. In other words: 20 different learning styles and 20 different learning speeds. Even with te..

The Right Way To Help Your Child Make And Keep Goals

Apr 7, 2022 | Parker Blog

Do you and your child have hopes for a brighter math experience? Would your child like to feel confident and capable in their math class? Let's learn how setting goals can help your child achieve a happier and healthier relationship with math!  The fir..