Parker Blog

Your Child Is Struggling With Math; Here's What You Can Do About It

Apr 29, 2022 | Parker Blog

Does your child struggle with math?  One father said, "I hated seeing my son's frustration and feelings of inferiority when it comes to math." Lots of parents echo this sentiment. How is your child doing in math? Are there math concepts that see..

How Young Should Your Child Start Learning Math?

Feb 18, 2018 | Parker Blog

Many parents wonder how early they should start teaching math to their children. No one asks how early they should start introducing their child to language and reading! Math is much more than just addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It st..

Don't Blame the Teachers that Math in Elementary School is in Shambles

Oct 1, 2017 | Parker Blog

It’s no secret that our nation’s youth are not keeping up in math with students from other developed nations. The problem starts in elementary school. Elementary school math lays the foundation for more advanced math topics. If kids go into secondary scho..

Something to Consider if Your Elementary Age Daughter Has a Female Teacher

Nov 14, 2016 | Parker Blog

Most teachers are women. Gender does not impact an individual’s ability to teach. But it does impact how much a student personally identifies with the teacher. Girls identify more with female teachers than boys do and they are more likely to emulate the t..

First Grade Math Skills Set Foundation for Later Math Ability

Oct 21, 2016 | Parker Blog

Check out this news release from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institutes of Health (NIH) detailing an NIH-funded study about the importance of acquiring foundational math skills early to set the stage for future success. Read ..

Prepare Your Child for Calculus Starting in Second Grade!

Jul 29, 2016 | Parker Blog

Give a toddler the option of a plate of two cookies or a plate with one cookie and they will choose the plate with two cookies every time. The toddler is applying their mathematical understanding of comparing amounts. Fast forward to the same child as ..

Is Your K-6 Child on Grade Level in Math

Jan 11, 2016 | Parker Blog

Use this Tool to Check Your Child’s Mathematical Reasoning and Numerical Fluency Common Core Math Standards have changed the expectations for math. It requires a higher and deeper way of thinking about math concepts. Use the activities below to see if ..

Prepare Your Child for Calculus Starting in Second Grade

Dec 15, 2015 | Parker Blog

Give a toddler the option of a plate of two cookies or a plate with one cookie and they will choose the plate with two cookies every time. The toddler is applying their mathematical understanding of comparing amounts. Fast forward to the same child as ..