Pasadena Blog

Mathnasium Vs Competitors (From Kids Who've Tried Both)

Jul 23, 2024 | Pasadena Blog

As an ex-public math teacher of 7 years, I can say firsthand that any math program that is able to meet individual students at their level and build from there complements the standard classroom setting in a much-needed way. While Competitors and Mathnasi..

Big Math Gains for Local Students

Dec 31, 2021 | Pasadena Blog

It's no secret that Mathnasium of Monterey Park generates amazing results. Parents of local students are really starting to notice too. J. B. says, "My high school senior is finally starting to overcome her math anxiety and understand ma..

Mathnasium Has Boomed. Here's Why.

Dec 27, 2021 | Pasadena Blog

Mathnasium was created to fill a need. The need, which was obvious to Larry Martinek, was the struggle kids experienced in math class. The language of math, the pacing of the class, and textbook teaching styles all seemed to culminate in frustrated l..

Festive Mathletes on Display

Dec 22, 2021 | Pasadena Blog

We love when our students are reppin' holiday joy! Mathnasium of South Pasadena knows how to make math fun, even when it comes to our outfits :) When the end of the year approaches, so do deadlines and exams for school work. If the ..

Ivy League Ambitions? Mathnasium Preps Your Child for College Success

Dec 21, 2021 | Pasadena Blog

  Does your child have to be a math whiz to get into college? Well, not exactly. But they do need a portion of the skills that a good math education yields. According to the professionals at College Board, students need to acquire these..

How Your Child Can Earn Rewards Through Goal Setting

Dec 17, 2021 | Pasadena Blog

In 2012, Northwest Missouri State University published a research article highlighting what happens when students make academic goals for themselves. The results were clear- there is a significant difference between the academic progress of ..

Challenge Your Advanced Math Student at Mathnasium

Dec 9, 2021 | Pasadena Blog

Is your child a gifted mathematician? (hooray!) Sometimes, the regular school curriculum doesn't challenge advanced math students enough. When that is the case, Mathnasium of Monterey Park is happy to pick up the slack.  ..

Personal (Math) Training

Dec 4, 2021 | Pasadena Blog

Wanna know how math skills are like muscles? You have to work to build both of them! Just like personal training helps build muscles, personal math training helps build math skills. And each type of training takes practice and time.  When your chil..

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