Dear Mathnasium Parents,
I would like to take a moment to update each of you on our efforts at Mathnasium of Pearland to help your students continue their education in the midst of COVID-19.
What is happening now:
Mathnasium has been in the process of developing a new distance teaching system for delivering the Mathnasium experience and instruction at home over the Internet. This new system has been aptly named Mathnasium @Home. We are fortunate enough to now be able to offer the ability for you to live-stream your students session from the comfort of your home.
Since schools have closed for an extended period of time due to Coronavirus, we have extended our Mathnasium @Home hours to allow all of our students the opportunity to continue with their education at Mathnasium during the school day and evening.
Mathnasium@home Online Hours:
Monday-Thursday from 1pm-7pm
Fridays from 2pm-5pm
The Mathnasium @Home system is not intended as a replacement for students coming in to Mathnasium on a regular basis. We still believe the best overall experience for students is achieved in the center with the buzz of a strong educational environment surrounding them. However, we recognize that with emergency situations such as dealing with Coronavirus, it may not be possible, or the healthiest choice to be around larger groups of people.
Additionally, Mathnasium @Home will also provide opportunities for students who travel out of the area over the summer and at other times throughout the year to continue their work and progress at Mathnasium.
We hope you and your friends and families will all remain healthy as we work through this challenging time. As always, please do not hesitate to give us a call with any questions or concerns. We will see you (online) soon!
Best Regards,
Carli Weatherhead
Mathnasium of Pearland