Student of the month is has announced. Pleasant Hill School District has announced students and citizens of the month. There is more news in our school-related news. ..
Mathnasium Math Tricks (and Practice Sheets) ..
Finally, now we have a mathematical equation for any shape of eggs. This formula can describe all kinds of eggs in nature. The structure of an egg explains how the shells can keep the eggs intact. This formula shows the basic mathematics..
Students are back to school in Mt Diablo Unified School District. August 12, 2021, is the first day of school. Students are excited to see their friends after a long time of distance learning. Now they can see their friends and ..
June is here and for the Library that means the kickoff of Summer Reading. Reading for pleasure during the summer is one of the best ways for kids to counteract the summer slide. Some special programming includes a craft demonstration, sign language..