Our staff is built to teach each student individually, to develop the skills they need to thrive in mathematics, and to foster a love of learning.
Our staff is built to teach each student individually, to develop the skills they need to thrive in mathematics, and to foster a love of learning.
"Tutoring children has taught me to be more flexible in my way of thinking about concepts. I realized that children think of math in vocabulary that's familiar to them and often, pictures or stories help them visualize and understand concepts more effectively, rather than memorizing different formulas, which have less meaning for them. Using visuals and stories is also more fun for children, which helps make their experience in learning a subject, which can be tough, more positive."
"Once you find the best method for each student, its surprising how quickly they learn new ideas and reach conclusions on their own... The best part of working at Mathnasium is being able to help empower students with the necessary skills or mindset and then watching them apply it to solve problems, that they weren't able to previously on their own."
"Knowing that you helped them understand something that they previously had trouble with makes me feel like I helped set them up for success in the future. I also enjoy talking to each student and finding out more about their background, hobbies, and generally how school is going for them."
"The best part of working at Mathnasium is the opportunity to interact with many students concurrently, to see how each student approaches a problem differently based on what they know, and to see each student develop and grow over a prolonged period of time. I also appreciate Mathnasium's structured approach to learning math making use of assessments and daily workout plans."
"I find tutoring enjoyable because it is rewarding to help a student with a certain topic and see them grow through the way they approach and solve problems. Not only do they solidify their mastery in a concept, but they also grow confident in their math skills too, making it a fulfilling experience. Tutoring inspires me to think creatively about math because each student has a unique way of understanding."
“The key to becoming a successful tutor is patience. Understanding a concept can take either one explanation or multiple different kinds of explanations, and that is okay. There are different ways of learning, and being able to adjust to each student gives them the chance to learn the best way they can. Mistakes do not define you. You are not your mistakes, you are what you make of them. So if you fall, always get up and try again!”
“Without proper communication, students struggle with their math since they may not be willing to open up to ask questions. This hinders their math advancement and skills, and it can be hard to determine their approach and thought process. Over time, the more you practice, the more your math skills will grow. And with a lot of practice, mistakes will be inevitable, but use those mistakes to your advantage and learn from them!”
“Working as a tutor has taught me how to explain concepts in a way that makes sense to each student. I’ve learned to be patient and creative to help kids feel confident and succeed in math. The best part of working at Mathnasium is seeing students grow more confident in their math skills and knowing I get to be part of that journey. My advice to students is don’t be afraid to make mistakes, they’re part of learning! With practice and determination, you can accomplish anything.”
“Tutoring has taught me how useful visuals and drawings can be for some students. By incorporating visual representations, I have noticed students are able to grasp concepts as they can picture the question rather than just reading the words. This approach helps boost student’s confidence in their skills. Another method I have found to help students is to relate the problem to things they might like. Relating questions to topics of interest can spark more student involvement with the problem.”
Teach children math so they understand it, master it, and love it. Math can change their lives, and they can change the world.
Are you interested in changing lives through math? We're looking for outstanding individuals with a high level of commitment who are passionate about teaching math. Find out if there's a Mathnasium position that's just right for you!
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