Are You Ready For High School?

Aug 1, 2018 | Rochester North

Transitioning into high school is a significant event in a student's education. The subject matter is more difficult, is taught at an accelerated pace, and, with college on the horizon, there is a heightened sense of urgency. Mathnasium provides outstanding support for students transitioning into this phase of their education.

Mathnasium specializes in identifying and fixing gaps in a student's learning from prior math classes (a great way to get off to a strong start). We begin with a thorough assessment of the student's foundational skills. After analyzing the assessment results, we assemble a learning plan that includes only what the student needs. Once the work begins, our trained instructors provide instruction and encouragement every step of the way. Our goal is for every one of our students to become independent and confident in their math abilities.

We know our program works because our customers have taken the time to tell us. You can read our reviews on the right of the page.

Please call us at (248) 650-4300 or send us your contact information (in the gray box at the top of the page) and we will reach out to you!