Ah, the romance of the sea. It beckons us from the time we’re young. Children play captain (or pirate), imagining swashbuckling adventures, colorful foreign ports and exotic new cultures. Young people typically abandon their dreams of the sea for more practical pursuits, but not Robert Quick.
Robert is a Sea Captain and is hired to skipper pleasure cruises or to carry cargo. He sees the world from the wheelhouse or the deck and spends time in places like New York, Rome, Venice, and Lebanon. It’s a cool career where math is used every day!
There are all sorts of math in navigation. There’s dead reckoning, great-circle navigation and celestial navigation, for sure, though GPS is what guides ships nowadays. The GPS, satellite, sonar, radar, geo-tracking systems — that’s all math. He also uses a lot of ratios and measuring. For example, how much fuel to take on, how much oil they need, ratios on motors and propellers and pumps. Then geometry comes in when you’re laying out your track — where you want to go — on a map or a chart.
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