Summer is Almost here

May 21, 2020 | Santa Cruz

Well the summer of 2020 is upon us and it feels like this year may bring a whole new meaning to the “Lazy Days of Summer.”  If your kids are without something to do because of camp and facility closures, why not take advantage of this time to brush up on math skills?  Our team works all year round to ensure your kids catch up, keep up, and get ahead!  Summer math tutoring is a great way to start the next school year with math skills up to date.  Right now we are offering all math tutoring online in hopes of reopening our center for in person math help as soon as it is safe to do so.  The health and safety of our students and staff are always our top priorities, and we are confident that we will continue to progress through learning plans until we are able to reopen.


Check out this week’s word problem on the Mathnasium Number Sense blog.