The New Year is a perfect time to help your student make great choices regarding their learning. The responsibility of your child’s math improvement does not solely rest on their shoulders, parents can also take steps to get their kids math help… oh yeah, and we’re here to help too!
Below we have listed simple things parents can do with their kids either on a weekly or daily basis to assist them in feeling more confident in their math abilities. Some may be hard to implement, especially if your student already harbors some anxieties regarding math, but others are so much fun, you’ll wonder why you weren’t already doing them before.
5 Math Resolutions for Kids
- Encourage your kids to ask at least one question a week in math class. Explain to your student that its OK to raise their hand and speak up if they don’t understand something and how beneficial it can be to simply reiterate what a teacher is saying, if not just for clarification.
- Have your kids complete their math homework first. Your child probably has homework for multiple subjects, and if math is something they struggle with, they may be tempted to put it off. However, doing math homework first, while their brain is fresh, will give them better results than waiting until the end, when they’re tired.
- Inform your children of the importance, if time permits, of taking a few minutes at the end of an exam to double-check your answers. Your kids will be surprised how often a wrong answer is actually the result of a simple calculation mistake. And if they felt rushed simple errors could occur, so checking your answers twice surely won’t hurt.
- Read more books that include math. A good book is a painless way to soak up math. See previous posts for a great list of math reads! There’s sure to be at least one that you’ll love.
- Join a math club or participate in a STEM competition/event. Taking math outside of school and into your social life is a great way to make math fun and to become even better at it.
We wish you all the best for a happy, healthy, and joyful 2020!

The best way to see if we are a good fit for your child’s needs is to visit our center, meet the instructors and get a Complimentary Math Skills Assessment.
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