Mathnasium of Simpsonville Highlighting a Student 2.0!

Mar 21, 2023 | Simpsonville

Q: What did you think Mathnasium would be like before you came here?

A: Regular one-on-one tutoring just doing homework help in little rooms instead of one big room with multiple tutors.

Q: What is your favorite thing that’s happened to you at Mathnasium?

A: I love all the snacks, calendar day activities like popcorn day, and the prizes.

Q: Do you like math more now that you’ve been coming to Mathnasium?

A: Yes, math is made more interesting here.

Q: Do your parents think Mathnasium is helping you learn math?

A: Yes, my parents do think Mathnasium is helping. My mom said I had to come.

Q: Do you think your parents would understand the math you’re learning at Mathnasium?

A: I think they'd understand the math at Mathnasium, but not the math at school.

Q: Have you ever brought math homework from school to Mathnasium? What was it like to get homework help?

A: I have. It's nice. It's like someone guiding me and if I make a mistake, I get help immediately.